I\'m trying to find a way to accomplish a xsd schema to datastore roundtrip, with minimum effort.
I used jaxb to build my object model from schemas, now I would lik
You have several options for this use case.
Option #1 - Hyperjaxb3
I have not used this myself, but Hyperjaxb3 is supposed to generate both JAXB and JPA annotations on the model:
Option #2 - Use Dali to map your POJOs to Database (JPA)
The Eclipse Dali tool provides tooling to easily map your POJOs to a relational database using JPA:
Option #3 - Use EclipseLink
EclipseLink provides both JPA and JAXB implementations. The JAXB implementation (MOXy) contains extensions specifically for handling JPA entities:
Use DataNucleus and you can persist via JDO or JPA and internally it uses JAXB. http://www.datanucleus.org