My setup:
Example of the error:
According to the classes you expect are not part of JDK 7.
The classes you're looking for are part of google JSR-305 implementation that was initiated here and which moved to Findbugs:
According to the JSR-305 is finished, but is in dormant status and has not been added to a JDK release yet.
Hope it helps.
This is more an addendum to the latest answer:
I see similar problems and adding the google findbugs dependency to the project dependencies helps. Similar problems occured with joda convert like
[ERROR] [20:44:25.247] Class not found: org.joda.convert.ToString
Hence I also added
But note, that I set the scope to provided to prevent these new dependencies to be added to a resulting war file.
However, I still wonder why these errors occur since none of the analyzed classes seem to use these annotations?
To avoid adding SonarQube specific dependencies to your project, define a profile like this:
Then run your sonar analysis with a command like
mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:3.0.1:sonar -Psonarqube,sonarqube-dev
The sonarqube-dev profile is defined in my ~/.m2/settings.xml and it just specifies where my development environment SonarQube installation is
<!-- no direct db connections in new sonar -->
What is achieved by all this?