There is a blog entry which describes embedding from the plotly API for R into R markdown. I just used the code to create the iframe for an html document
When I ha
We had this same issue the first time we published an RPub. Here is your code in a published RPub.
Once it's published at rather than in preview, the graphs should show up. You can test it by using the "open in browser" option in RPubs:
A note. I changed height
to 800 and width
to 650, as that graph is a bit tall. I also added a <center>
tag to place it in the center of the published version.
Plotly also has a target URL for embedding. In this case, it's RPubs doesn't seem to like that though. You also might play around with borderwidth
to see if you can turn off the border.
That's all to say: the graphs won't show up in the preview. I believe this is a browser limitation, as RStudio doesn't allow for publishing live web content (yet).
If you're interested and would like some example code, here is the source for a blog post that has embedded Plotly and ggplot2 plots. Hope this helps! Disclosure: I work for Plotly.
Update: Aug. 21, 2015
Head to the Plotly documentation to see the R Markdown version of this answer. Printing plotly objects in the R console creates an online figure. For example:
p <- plot_ly(economics, x = date, y = uempmed, filename="r-docs/knitr-example")
If you are using knitr/R Markdown with HTML output, printing the plotly
object will now embed the plot in the HTML as an iframe. If you are writing a document with R Markdown, simply printing p
will embed the plot.
You can also set the width and the height of the plot with width and height code chunk parameters. For example: {r, height=800} sets the height.
If you are using Plotly Offline with R Studio, then printing the plotly object in knitr will also include the necessary plotly.js files to draw the graph: the graph is rendered locally inside the document.
To convert the knitr document to a standalone HTML file, use knitr::knit
and markdown::markdownToHTML
. For example:
knitr::knit('plotly-report.Rmd', '')
markdown::markdownToHTML('', 'plotly-report.html')
I had to add a ".embed?width=550&height=550" after my url to make it work. See below
plotly_iframe <- paste("<center><iframe scrolling='no' seamless='seamless' style='border:none' src='", url,
"/800/1200' width='800' height='1200'></iframe><center>", sep = "")
`r I(plotly_iframe)`