I am currently parsing JSON with Decodable in SWIFT 4.
The JSON is formatted as follows:
\"autopayout_from\": \"1.010\",
Here's how I would model this:
struct Ticker: Codable {
let autopayoutFrom, earning24_Hours: String
let error: Bool
let immatureEarning: Double
let lastPaymentAmount, lastPaymentDate, lastShareDate: String
let payoutDaily, payoutRequest: Bool
let totalHashrate, totalHashrateCalculated, transferringToBalance: Double
let wallet, walletBalance: String
let workers: [String: Worker]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case autopayoutFrom = "autopayout_from"
case earning24_Hours = "earning_24_hours"
case error
case immatureEarning = "immature_earning"
case lastPaymentAmount = "last_payment_amount"
case lastPaymentDate = "last_payment_date"
case lastShareDate = "last_share_date"
case payoutDaily = "payout_daily"
case payoutRequest = "payout_request"
case totalHashrate = "total_hashrate"
case totalHashrateCalculated = "total_hashrate_calculated"
case transferringToBalance = "transferring_to_balance"
case wallet
case walletBalance = "wallet_balance"
case workers
struct Worker: Codable {
let alive: Bool
let hashrate: Double
let hashrateBelowThreshold: Bool
let hashrateCalculated: Double
let lastSubmit: String
let secondSinceSubmit: Int
let worker: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case alive, hashrate
case hashrateBelowThreshold = "hashrate_below_threshold"
case hashrateCalculated = "hashrate_calculated"
case lastSubmit = "last_submit"
case secondSinceSubmit = "second_since_submit"
case worker
// usage examples:
let ticker = try JSONDecoder().decode(Ticker.self, from: data)
let workerKeys = ticker.workers.keys // "10003", "100151", "100205"
let workers = ticker.workers.values // all workers objects
let alive = workers.filter { $0.alive } // all workers where alive==true
let totalHashrate = alive.reduce(0.0) { $0 + $1.hashrateCalculated }