Method calls can usually omit the receiver and the parentheses for the arguments:
def foo; \"foo\" end
foo # => \"foo\"
In the case abov
You ask a great question. As you point out ruby wants to treat it as a constant and therefore do a constant lookup.
The following snippet however shows the current behavior, and then by modifying const_missing, you seem to get the desired behavior. And to tell you the truth I can't seem to break anything.
My conclusion is that this was as somebody already suggested, just a design decision, but its odd because in general ruby favors convention vs enforcement.
Or I am missing some case where things do get confusing and the wrong thing happens.
<script type="text/ruby">
def puts(s); Element['#output'].html = Element['#output'].html + s.to_s.gsub("\n", "<br/>").gsub(" ", " ") + "<br/>"; end
class ImAClass
def self.to_s
"I am ImAClass Class"
def ImAMethod
class DontKnowWhatIAm
def self.to_s
"a Class"
def DontKnowWhatIAm
"a method"
puts "ImAClass: #{ImAClass}"
puts "ImAMethod: #{ImAMethod}"
rescue Exception => e
puts "confusion! #{e.message}"
puts "ImAMethod(): #{ImAMethod()}"
puts "DontKnowWhatIAm: #{DontKnowWhatIAm}"
puts "DontKnowWhatIAm(): #{DontKnowWhatIAm()}"
class Module
alias_method :old_const_missing, :const_missing
def const_missing(c)
if self.respond_to? c
self.send c
class Foo
def self.Bar
"im at the bar"
puts "now we can just say: Foo::Bar and it works! #{Foo::Bar}"
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="output" style="font-family: courier"></div>
The set of local variables which is in scope at any given point in the program is defined lexically and can thus be determined statically, even as early as parse time. So, Ruby knows even before runtime which local variables are in scope and can thus distinguish between a message send and a local variable dereference.
Constants are looked up first lexically, but then via inheritance, i.e. dynamically. It is not known which constants are in scope before runtime. Therefore, to disambiguate, Ruby always assumes it's a constant, unless obviously it isn't, i.e. it takes arguments or has a receiver or both.
There's no big reason behind the difference. I just wanted foo to be behave like foo(), if there's no local variable foo in the scope. I thought it was useful for creating DSL etc. But I saw no reason to make Foo to behave like Foo().