Accumulating errors with EitherT

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不知归路 2021-01-03 00:33

I have the following little mini-sample application of a web API that takes a huge JSON document and is supposed to parse it in pieces and report error messages for each of

  • 2021-01-03 00:46

    As I mentioned in a comment, you have at least 2 ways of accumulating error. Below I elaborate on those. We'll need these imports:

    import Control.Applicative
    import Data.Monoid
    import Data.These

    TheseT monad transformer

    Disclaimer: TheseT is called ChronicleT in these package.

    Take a look at the definition of These data type:

    data These a b = This a | That b | These a b

    Here This and That correspond to Left and Right of Either data type. These data constructor is what enables accumulating capability for Monad instance: it contains both result (of type b) and a collection of previous errors (collection of type a).

    Taking advantage of already existing definition of These data type we can easily create ErrorT-like monad transformer:

    newtype TheseT e m a = TheseT {
      runTheseT :: m (These e a)

    TheseT is an instance of Monad in the following way:

    instance Functor m => Functor (TheseT e m) where
      fmap f (TheseT m) = TheseT (fmap (fmap f) m)
    instance (Monoid e, Applicative m) => Applicative (TheseT e m) where
      pure x = TheseT (pure (pure x))
      TheseT f <*> TheseT x = TheseT (liftA2 (<*>) f x)
    instance (Monoid e, Monad m) => Monad (TheseT e m) where
      return x = TheseT (return (return x))
      m >>= f = TheseT $ do
        t <- runTheseT m
        case t of
          This  e   -> return (This e)
          That    x -> runTheseT (f x)
          These _ x -> do
            t' <- runTheseT (f x)
            return (t >> t')  -- this is where errors get concatenated

    Applicative accumulating ErrorT

    Disclaimer: this approach is somewhat easier to adapt since you already work in m (Either e a) newtype wrapper, but it works only in Applicative setting.

    If the actual code only uses Applicative interface we can get away with ErrorT changing its Applicative instance.

    Let's start with a non-transformer version:

    data Accum e a = ALeft e | ARight a
    instance Functor (Accum e) where
      fmap f (ARight x) = ARight (f x)
      fmap _ (ALeft e)  = ALeft e
    instance Monoid e => Applicative (Accum e) where
      pure = ARight
      ARight f <*> ARight x = ARight (f x)
      ALeft e  <*> ALeft e' = ALeft (e <> e')
      ALeft e  <*> _        = ALeft e
      _        <*> ALeft e  = ALeft e

    Note that when defining <*> we know if both sides are ALefts and thus can perform <>. If we try to define corresponding Monad instance we fail:

    instance Monoid e => Monad (Accum e) where
      return = ARight
      ALeft e >>= f = -- we can't apply f

    So the only Monad instance we might have is that of Either. But then ap is not the same as <*>:

    Left a <*>  Left b  ≡  Left (a <> b)
    Left a `ap` Left b  ≡  Left a

    So we only can use Accum as Applicative.

    Now we can define Applicative transformer based on Accum:

    newtype AccErrorT e m a = AccErrorT {
      runAccErrorT :: m (Accum e a)
    instance (Functor m) => Functor (AccErrorT e m) where
      fmap f (AccErrorT m) = AccErrorT (fmap (fmap f) m)
    instance (Monoid e, Applicative m) => Applicative (AccErrorT e m) where
      pure x = AccErrorT (pure (pure x))
      AccErrorT f <*> AccErrorT x = AccErrorT (liftA2 (<*>) f x)

    Note that AccErrorT e m is essentially Compose m (Accum e).


    AccError is known as AccValidation in validation package.

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  • 2021-01-03 00:46

    We could actually code this as an arrow (Kleisli transformer).

    newtype EitherAT x m a b = EitherAT { runEitherAT :: a -> m (Either x b) }
    instance Monad m => Category EitherAT x m where
      id = EitherAT $ return . Right
      EitherAT a . EitherAT b
           = EitherAT $ \x -> do
                  ax <- a x
                  case ax of Right y -> b y
                             Left e  -> return $ Left e
    instance (Monad m, Semigroup x) => Arrow EitherAT x m where
      arr f = EitherAT $ return . Right . f
      EitherAT a *** EitherAT b = EitherAT $ \(x,y) -> do
          ax <- a x
          by <- b y
          return $ case (ax,by) of
            (Right x',Right y') -> Right (x',y')
            (Left e  , Left f ) -> Left $ e <> f
            (Left e  , _      ) -> Left e
            (  _     , Left f ) ->        Left f
      first = (***id)

    Only, that would violate the arrow laws (you can't rewrite a *** b to first a >>> second b without losing a's error information). But if you basically see all the Lefts as merely a debugging device, you might argue it's okay.

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