Is there a way to see how many items in a dictionary share the same value in Python?
Let\'s say that I have a dictionary like:
{\"a\": 600, \"b\": 75
You could use itertools.groupby for this.
import itertools
x = {"a": 600, "b": 75, "c": 75, "d": 90}
[(k, len(list(v))) for k, v in itertools.groupby(sorted(x.values()))]
>>> a = {"a": 600, "b": 75, "c": 75, "d": 90}
>>> d={}
>>> for v in a.values():
... if not v in d: d[v]=1
... else: d[v]+=1
>>> d
{600: 1, 90: 1, 75: 2}
When Python 2.7 comes out you can use its collections.Counter class
otherwise see counter receipe
Under Python 2.7a3
from collections import Counter
items = {"a": 600, "b": 75, "c": 75, "d": 90}
c = Counter( items )
print( dict( c.items() ) )
output is
{600: 1, 90: 1, 75: 2}
>>> a = {"a": 600, "b": 75, "c": 75, "d": 90}
>>> b = {}
>>> for k,v in a.iteritems():
... b[v] = b.get(v,0) + 1
>>> b
{600: 1, 90: 1, 75: 2}
Use Counter (2.7+, see below at link for implementations for older versions) along with dict.values()