How can you do the same thing as df.fillna(method=\'bfill\') for a pandas dataframe with a pyspark.sql.DataFrame
The last
and first
functions, with their ignorenulls=True
flags, can be combined with the rowsBetween
windowing. If we want to fill backwards, we select the first non-null that is between the current row and the end. If we want to fill forwards, we select the last non-null that is between the beginning and the current row.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window as W
import sys
) \
W.orderBy('date').rowsBetween(0, sys.maxsize)
source on filling in spark:
Actually backfill on distributed dataset is not as easy task as in pandas (local) dataframe - you cannot be sure that value to fill exists in the same partition. I would use crossJoin with windowing, for example fo DF:
df = spark.createDataFrame([
('2017-01-01', None),
('2017-01-02', 'B'),
('2017-01-03', None),
('2017-01-04', None),
('2017-01-05', 'E'),
('2017-01-06', None),
('2017-01-07', 'G')], ['date', 'value'])
| date|value|
|2017-01-01| null|
|2017-01-02| B|
|2017-01-03| null|
|2017-01-04| null|
|2017-01-05| E|
|2017-01-06| null|
|2017-01-07| G|
The code would be:
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
df.alias('a').crossJoin(df.alias('b')) \
.where((col('') >= col('')) & (col('a.value').isNotNull() | col('b.value').isNotNull())) \
.withColumn('rn', row_number().over(Window.partitionBy('').orderBy(''))) \
.where(col('rn') == 1) \
.select('', coalesce('a.value', 'b.value').alias('value')) \
.orderBy('') \
| date|value|
|2017-01-01| B|
|2017-01-02| B|
|2017-01-03| E|
|2017-01-04| E|
|2017-01-05| E|
|2017-01-06| G|
|2017-01-07| G|