I am writing a simple web upload script.
The goal is to upload a file using php, and then calling a java program to process this file.
I have done the work for uploading
I have been struggling with this for a while trying all sorts of options with no results - the file is never created (the file is created with an absolute path so it's not being created and I just can't find the file). Does anyone have any ideas?
What I think the problem is. Apache runs as "nobody" group??(apache user??) which will execute the java script which will try to create a file on disc somewhere. I assume it does not have permission to write to that location. you should chown that folder so that apache user can write to that folder.
First off I would like to point out to you that calling exec() from a script could really blow up your server. I would advice you to use something like redis(see below) instead.
Second I think I know what the problem is. You should first try to run the simple example below which worked fine for me.
First be sure permission are set right. Because apache runs as nobody(most of the times).
I tried this simple test myself on ubuntu with php installed from repo.
class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
echo exec('java test');
Ran test.php
$ php test.php
Hello World!
Or you could try 1 of the following solutions(which would even be a better solution):
It's possible it has to do with the path that the exec is defaulting to. You may need to explicitly define your classpath with an absolute path to your .class or jar files when calling java.
$PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin";
echo exec("javac theNameOfYourJavaProgram.java 2>&1");//shows # of errors
echo "<br />";
echo exec("java theNameOfYourJavaProgram 2>&1");//this line executes it
echo "<br />";
echo shell_exec("javac theNameOfYourJavaProgram.java 2>&1 ");//compiles it
I dont realy know, but i came a cross PHP-JAVA bridge maybe it can help
I tested this with Jasper Reports, and it is working really nice. It will allow you to Extend Java classes with PHP or just use Java class lik it was PHP.
use java\lang\String as JString;
class String extends JString {
function toString () {
return "hello " . parent::toString();
$str = new String("Java");
echo $str->toString();
$temp = new Java('java.sql.Timestamp');
$javaObject = $temp->valueOf('2007-12-31 0:0:0');
$params = new Java("java.util.HashMap");
$params->put("text", "This is a test string");
More examples: http://php-java-bridge.sourceforge.net/pjb/FAQ.html