I have a database with a column containing a variety of numbers written in \"shorthand\", for example:
5k for 5,000
86.6k for 86,600
4.1m for 4,100,000
Logic to implement, iterate through all the characters, and when you find a character (not digit) just save the index. Now split that into two parts: digital value and character. Now create a function which returns the value of passed character. eg. getValueOf('M')=1000000 And then finally do this Numerical Value * getValueOf('M') That's all. Note: Your numerical values have commas in it so also do str_replace(',','',numeric value) and then convert to int
There is a PHP function given on the manual's page of ini_get() (in the manual page itself -- not in the users notes), that does just that.
Quoting :
function return_bytes($val) {
$val = trim($val);
$last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]);
switch($last) {
// The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0
case 'g':
$val *= 1024;
case 'm':
$val *= 1024;
case 'k':
$val *= 1024;
return $val;
Note that this function is used to show how to convert shorthand byte values to integer bytes values, and, as such, considers that 1k = 1024 ; and not 1000.
Most solutions here only work for integers. This one will also work for numbers like 1.5M
or 6.83K
I think this function is much cleaner and more efficient
function formatAbbreviationToNumber($number) {
$abbrevs = array(12 => "T", 9 => "B", 6 => "M", 3 => "K", 0 => "");
foreach($abbrevs as $exponent => $abbrev) {
if(strtoupper(substr($number, -1)) == $abbrev) {
return substr_replace($number, "", -1) * pow(10, $exponent);
And the other way around:
function formatNumbertoAbbreviation($number) {
$abbrevs = array(12 => "T", 9 => "B", 6 => "M", 3 => "K", 0 => "");
foreach($abbrevs as $exponent => $abbrev) {
if(abs($number) >= pow(10, $exponent)) {
return intval($number / pow(10, $exponent)) . $abbrev;
It goes up to trillion, you can add higher values if you want but make sure you put them in the array from highest to lowest.
$string = '5k'; // or whatever
$suffix = strspn($string, '.0123456789');
$value = doubleval(substr($string, 0, $suffix))
if($suffix < strlen($string))
case 'k':
$value *= 1000;
case 'm':
$value *= 1000000;
case 'b':
$value *= 1000000000;
echo number_format($value);
Something like:
switch (strtolower(substr($input, -1))) {
case 'k':
// similarly for m, M, b, B.
Assuming your data is well-formatted. If not more check would be needed like:
if (!preg_match('/^\d+(?:\.\d+)?[mbk]$/i',$input)) {
// $input is not a valid format.
If this is your data format, and is consistent. you can write your own function. create a map of suffix to multiplier.. "k" => 1000, "m" => 100000
and multiply the integer value with multiplier value. Here is a sscanf based solution : http://codepad.org/FjwBbx1D
$map = array("k" => 1000,"m" => 1000000,"b" => 1000000000);
$money = "86.6k";
list($value,$suffix) = sscanf($money, "%f%s");
$final = $value*$map[$suffix];
And here is a simple one liner:
$money = "86.6k";
$value = substr($money,0,-1)*pow(10,strpos("---k--m--b",substr($money,-1))) ;