I want to load the content in div.I got many jquery scoll plugins but all are they for whole page load.I want to load content in existing div when scroll reaches at bottom o
I know it's an old topic, but just to be complete: As said before, you could use jQuery.Lazy for this. But I would not do it the here shown way. :) There is already a plugin for loading <div>
content via AJAX too.
Add the Plugin to your page: (you will need jQuery or Zepto as well)
<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.lazy/1.7.1/jquery.lazy.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.lazy/1.7.1/plugins/jquery.lazy.ajax.min.js"></script>
Prepare your div's: (note the data-loader
and data-src
<div data-loader="ajax" data-src="ajax.html"></div>
And start using Lazy:
$(function() {
That's it! The content given in data-src
will be loaded whenever the user reaches the <div>
by scrolling. More inormations here.
You can do something like this using JQuery and this lazyload plugin.
Your div:
<div data-src="transparent.png" url="http://stackoverflow.com"></div>
Use beforeLoad
jQuery(function($) {
beforeLoad: function (element) {
You can do something like this using JQuery and Ajax:
var loading = false;//to prevent duplicate
function loadNewContent(){
url: url_to_new_content
if(data != ""){
loading = false;
//scroll DIV's Bottom
$('#div-to-update').on('scroll', function() {
if($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) {
loading = true;
loadNewContent();//call function to load content when scroll reachs DIV bottom
//scroll to PAGE's bottom
var winTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var docHeight = $(document).height();
var winHeight = $(window).height();
if ((winTop / (docHeight - winHeight)) > 0.95) {
loading = true;
loadNewContent();//call function to load content when scroll reachs PAGE bottom