With the arrival of jQuery Mobile 1.3, the .navigate()
function has been added. I\'ve heard that is the recommended way to change pages, and it seems they addr
is still a new function, according to code comments it is also a work in progress.
Transition is active among hidden options;
$.mobile.navigate( "#bar", { transition : "slide", info: "info about the #bar hash" });
Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/Gajotres/g5vAN/
On the other hand, change to direction reverse is still not implemented, default false value is applied.
The other way would be to use:
$.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("change", "target",
{transition: "flow", changeHash: false, reload: true})
Use the Pagecontainer widget added in v1.4.
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("change", "jquerypageIdentifier",{ options in key value format } );
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("change", "#nextpage",{ transition: "slide",role: "dialog" } );