I am new to TestNG and Selenium Webdriver and trying to create a testng.xml using eclipse.
Done some research in www and understand that this file can be created by
Praveen, please right click on the project and then go to convert to testNG,
now it will create testng.xml in which you will have all your classes, you can select the classes which u want and then execute this testng.xml as testng suite.
Created testng suite file manually as below:
Change the names according to your program and run that testng.xml Run as Testng it will run your program with Testng
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd" >
<suite name="Suite Name" >
<!-- suite name="Suite Name" -->
<test name="TestA" allow-return-values="true">
<!-- packagename.Testcase class name -->
<class name ="listnerDemo.Testcases" />
<!-- packagename.customerlistner_classname -->
<listener class-name="listnerDemo.CustomerListner"/>
*********************************if you have to run using multiple suite********
let me give you an example if you have three suites that have multiple cases then create the tree .xml file and write the code as above for all the three suite
then create a testng.xml file that will include the code as below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<Suite name="Data driver testng project">
<Suite-files path="C:\Arpan\Study Documents\Selenium\Selenium Framework\Core_Framework_TestNG\suiteA.xml" />
<Suite-files path="C:\Arpan\Study Documents\Selenium\Selenium Framework\Core_Framework_TestNG\suiteB.xml" />
<Suite-files path="C:\Arpan\Study Documents\Selenium\Selenium Framework\Core_Framework_TestNG\suiteC.xml" />
Then run the testng.xml Run as Testng then it will run all the program of those are part of these three suites