I\'m trying to set CORS Headers for my play framework app. Specifically I\'m getting this error
cannot load No \'Access-Control-Allow
I would not recommend writing/using any code to enable CORS which is basically a framework feature and only needs configuration.
The stuff you copied from the documentation is correct:
where you modify the play.filters.cors
settings. But you seem to have misconfigured something, e.g. the allowedOrigin = *
should be configured as null
in the config. (Have a look at the documentation page and the linked reference.conf)# The allowed origins. If null, all origins are allowed.
play.filters.cors.allowedOrigins = null
in your Filters.scala
curl -H "Origin: http://example.com" \
-H "Access-Control-Request-Method: GET" \
-H "Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-Requested-With" \
-X OPTIONS --verbose \
for me it worked after one day (maybe cash or other things)
play.http.filters = "filters.Filters"
play.filters.cors {
# allow all paths
pathPrefixes = ["/"]
# allow all origins (You can specify if you want)
allowedOrigins = null
allowedHttpMethods = ["GET", "POST"]
# allow all headers
allowedHttpHeaders = null
build.sbt :
val appDependencies = Seq(
in package filters.Filter :
package filters;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import play.mvc.EssentialFilter;
import play.filters.cors.CORSFilter;
import play.http.DefaultHttpFilters;
public class Filters extends DefaultHttpFilters {
CORSFilter corsFilter;
public Filters(CORSFilter corsFilter) {
this.corsFilter = corsFilter;
public EssentialFilter[] filters() {
return new EssentialFilter[] { corsFilter.asJava() };
and in my ajax call:
url: xxxxxxxx',
dataType: 'json',
headers: {'url': yyyyy,
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST, PUT',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type'
success: function(data) {
i have no more error, in prod and in local environment !! thank you all
Play filters are enticing, but when they do not work as expected, as you noticed, the magic is not that easy to track down.
I prefer to use something like this:
implicit class RichResult (result: Result) {
def enableCors = result.withHeaders(
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -> "*"
, "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" -> "OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD" // OPTIONS for pre-flight
, "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" -> "Accept, Content-Type, Origin, X-Json, X-Prototype-Version, X-Requested-With" //, "X-My-NonStd-Option"
, "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" -> "true"
Then you can easily invoke it in your response like this:
Ok(Json.obj("ok" -> "1")).enableCors
It's easy to understand, can be placed only where you want to enable CORS, and very easy to debug!