I\'m using visual studio 2010 which doesn\'t support
, so I have to seed default_random_engine
. Thus, I\'ve decided to seed it with <
I recommend grabbing a seed from std::random_device:
std::default_random_engine engine(std::random_device{}());
which should provide you with significantly more entropy than std::time
According to http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/random/random_device/, they recommend that you don't use std::random_device
, as it isn't portable:
Notice that random devices may not always be available to produce random numbers (and in some systems, they may even never be available).
On a related page (http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/random/linear_congruential_engine/linear_congruential_engine/), they give the following as an example of creating a seed:
unsigned seed1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();