I have installed omniauth 1.0. Also I have oauth-0.4.5, oauth2-0.5.1, omniauth-facebook-1.0.0, omniauth-twitter-0.0.6.
Alex D. is correct in that the ENV[] breaks it. To create omniauth.rb so that it uses different keys in different environments just put:
provider :twitter, TWITTER_KEY, TWITTER_SECRET
in omniauth.rb
and then in your environment config files (config/environments/development.rb, etc.) put the key you want to use for that environment.
TWITTER_KEY = 'aaaaaaa'
TWITTER_SECRET = 'aaaabbbbbb'
TWITTER_KEY = 'ccccccc'
TWITTER_SECRET = 'ccccffffdffffd'
There have been breaking changes made in omniauth 1.0 - https://github.com/intridea/omniauth
OmniAuth 1.0 has several breaking changes from version 0.x. You can set the dependency to ~> 0.3.2 if you do not wish to make the more difficult upgrade. See the wiki for more information.
I would try reverting omniauth to 0.3.2:
gem install omniauth --version '~> 0.3.2'
or if you're using bundler, in your Gemfile:
gem omniauth, '~> 0.3.2'
looks into your environment vars for "something", so it would expect
so you should do it like that
export AUTH_FB_KEY='....'
export AUTH_FB_SECRET='...'
check with
and update your config
provider :facebook, ENV['AUTH_FB_KEY'], ENV['AUTH_FB_SECRET']
if you use heroku
heroku config:add AUTH_FB_KEY='....'