Calling a SOAP webservice from TSQL stored procedure

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后悔当初 2021-01-02 15:52

I am trying to build a stored procedure in TSQL to call a webservice. I\'ve done this before in Oracle, but it seems like it\'s not so easy in MSSQL. There are of course man

  • 2021-01-02 15:59

    I ran into this issue as well. Here is the proper way to execute an HTTP Post with parameters from T-SQL:

    DECLARE @authHeader NVARCHAR(64);
    DECLARE @contentType NVARCHAR(64);
    DECLARE @postData NVARCHAR(2000);
    DECLARE @responseText NVARCHAR(2000);
    DECLARE @responseXML NVARCHAR(2000);
    DECLARE @ret INT;
    DECLARE @status NVARCHAR(32);
    DECLARE @statusText NVARCHAR(32);
    DECLARE @token INT;
    DECLARE @url NVARCHAR(256);
    SET @authHeader = 'BASIC 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF';
    SET @contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
    SET @postData = 'value1=Hello&value2=World'
    SET @url = ''
    -- Open the connection.
    EXEC @ret = sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP', @token OUT;
    IF @ret <> 0 RAISERROR('Unable to open HTTP connection.', 10, 1);
    -- Send the request.
    EXEC @ret = sp_OAMethod @token, 'open', NULL, 'POST', @url, 'false';
    EXEC @ret = sp_OAMethod @token, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Authentication', @authHeader;
    EXEC @ret = sp_OAMethod @token, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-type', @contentType;
    EXEC @ret = sp_OAMethod @token, 'send', NULL, @postData;
    -- Handle the response.
    EXEC @ret = sp_OAGetProperty @token, 'status', @status OUT;
    EXEC @ret = sp_OAGetProperty @token, 'statusText', @statusText OUT;
    EXEC @ret = sp_OAGetProperty @token, 'responseText', @responseText OUT;
    -- Show the response.
    PRINT 'Status: ' + @status + ' (' + @statusText + ')';
    PRINT 'Response text: ' + @responseText;
    -- Close the connection.
    EXEC @ret = sp_OADestroy @token;
    IF @ret <> 0 RAISERROR('Unable to close HTTP connection.', 10, 1);

    Credit goes to the original author.

    Edit: The example service I was calling here appears to have shut down. You will need to swap out the URL and post to a different endpoint in order to see it working.

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  • 2021-01-02 16:10

    Made this monster for my own needs

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[RequestHttpWebService]
    @Url varchar(1024),
    @HttpMethod varchar(10),
    @ParamsValues varchar(1024),    -- param1=value&param2=value
    @SoapAction varchar(1024) = null
    --set @Url = 'http://localhost/service.asmx'
    --set @HttpMethod = 'soap'
    --set @ParamsValues = 'login=tr2280&password=Qwe12345&domain=webtech.development'
    --set @SoapAction = 'Authenticate'
    if @HttpMethod in ('get','GET') and len(@ParamsValues) > 0
        set @Url = @Url + '?' + @ParamsValues
    declare @obj int
        ,@response varchar(8000)
        ,@responseXml xml
        ,@status varchar(50)
        ,@statusText varchar(1024)
        ,@method varchar(10) = (case when @HttpMethod in ('soap','SOAP') then 'POST' else @HttpMethod end)
    exec sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp', @obj out
    exec sp_OAMethod @obj, 'Open', null, @method, @Url, false
    if @HttpMethod in ('get','GET')
        exec sp_OAMethod @obj, 'send'
    else if @HttpMethod in ('post','POST')
        exec sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', null, 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        exec sp_OAMethod @obj, 'send', null, @ParamsValues
    else if @HttpMethod in ('soap','SOAP')
        if @SoapAction is null
            raiserror('@SoapAction is null', 10, 1)
        declare @host varchar(1024) = @Url
        if @host like 'http://%'
            set @host = right(@host, len(@host) - 7)
        else if @host like 'https://%'
            set @host = right(@host, len(@host) - 8)
        if charindex(':', @host) > 0 and charindex(':', @host) < charindex('/', @host)
            set @host = left(@host, charindex(':', @host) - 1)
            set @host = left(@host, charindex('/', @host) - 1)
        declare @envelope varchar(8000) = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body><{action} xmlns="">{params}</{action}></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>'
        declare @params varchar(8000) = '' 
        WHILE LEN(@ParamsValues) > 0
            declare @param varchar(256),
                    @value varchar(256)
            IF charindex('&', @ParamsValues) > 0
                SET @param = left(@ParamsValues, charindex('&', @ParamsValues) - 1)
                set @value = RIGHT(@param, len(@param) - charindex('=', @param))
                set @param = left(@param, charindex('=', @param) - 1)
                set @params = @params + '<' + @param + '>' + @value + '</'+ @param + '>'
                SET @ParamsValues = right(@ParamsValues, LEN(@ParamsValues) - LEN(@param + '=' + @value + '&'))
                set @value = RIGHT(@ParamsValues, len(@ParamsValues) - charindex('=', @ParamsValues))
                set @param = left(@ParamsValues, charindex('=', @ParamsValues) - 1)
                set @params = @params + '<' + @param + '>' + @value + '</'+ @param + '>'
                SET @ParamsValues = NULL
        set @envelope = replace(@envelope, '{action}', @SoapAction)
        set @envelope = replace(@envelope, '{params}', @params)
        set @SoapAction = '' + @SoapAction
        print @host
        print @SoapAction
        print @envelope
        exec sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', null, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'
        exec sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', null, 'Host', @host
        exec sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', null, 'SOAPAction', @SoapAction
        exec sp_OAMethod @obj, 'send', null, @envelope
    exec sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'responseText', @response out
    exec sp_OADestroy @obj
    select @status as [status], @statusText as [statusText], @response as [response]

    edit: formatting

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  • 2021-01-02 16:11

    You cannot add a Web Reference in the usual way when maintaining a SQL Server Project in Visual Studio. However, you can use the WSDL Utility to create the Web Interface and add this to your solution. Subsequently, you will then be able to access the Web Methods that you want in your CLR Stored Procedure.

    The WSDL.exe utility can be found within the installed Microsoft SDK's, I ran mine using the Windows 7 version but a simple search of your HDD should give you your location, which was installed in the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin

    The commands to use when running the WSDL.exe utility are:

    WSDL.exe /o:(name of Visual Studio Class file) /n:(name of namespace) (address of webservice)

    for example:

    WSDL.exe /o:Weather.cs /n:Weather.Test

    This will generate a Weather.cs file in this instance which you can then add to your project and call within your method.

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  • 2021-01-02 16:25

    In the past I have used the following method, it may not be the best method these days but it has worked successfully for me :

    DECLARE @obj int,
            @url VarChar(MAX),
            @response VarChar(MAX),
            @requestHeader VarChar(MAX),
            @requestBody VarChar(MAX)
    SET @url = 'http://....'
    SET @requestBody = '<soapenv:Envelope>
    EXEC sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp', @obj OUT
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'Open', NULL, 'GET', @url, false
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'SOAPAction', 'POST'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Length', LEN(@requestBody)
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'send', NULL, @requestBody
    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'responseText', @response OUT
    SELECT @response [RESPONSE]
    EXEC sp_OADestroy @obj

    I have used this to call a webservice which produces a report and emails it within the method.

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