I have a form that keeps throwing me an error in django, Ive tried searching online tried str() on my models but wouldnt work at all. Googled a couple of times tried a coupl
Those commas aren't actually doing what you think they do. The commas make your return value a tuple instead of a string which a __str__
method is supposed to return.
You can instead do:
def __str__(self):
return '%s %s %s'%(self.soi_l1, self.soi_l2, self.status)
Or use the new-style formatting:
def __str__(self):
return '{} {} {}'.format(self.soi_l1, self.soi_l2, self.status)
The error is in your model:
class SourceOfInjuryLevel2(models.Model):
def __str__(self):
return self.soi_l1, self.soi_l2, self.status
I guess you were confused because the Python 2 print statement looks like it turns tuples into strings, but that's not actually how the print statement works - it's a confusing detail that was changed in Python 3.
Try this instead:
def __str__(self):
template = '{0.soi_l1} {0.soi_l2} {0.status}'
return template.format(self)