I\'m currently working on a Session expired piece of logic for my ASP.NET 3.5 MVC 2 project to log out a user and redirect them to the AccountController LogOn action.
<ASP.NET will create a new session for every request unless you store something in it.
Try adding the code below to your Global.asax
. It works in my MVC2 and MVC3 apps with the same SessionExpireFilterAttribute
protected void Session_Start()
Session["Dummy"] = 1;
We can add session_start method in Golbal.asax file in MVC appliaction.
protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("UserId" , null);
Then when application starting your session will be created. and then session will be not isNewSession 'True', otherwise it will be always 'True'