I\'m creating a label inside of sprite kit and setting an initial size. Since the app is to be localized, words may appear longer in other languages than their english versi
I was able to solve this thanks to a comment by @InvalidMemory and the answer by @mike663. Basically you scale the label in proportion to the rectangle that contains the label.
func adjustLabelFontSizeToFitRect(labelNode:SKLabelNode, rect:CGRect) {
// Determine the font scaling factor that should let the label text fit in the given rectangle.
let scalingFactor = min(rect.width / labelNode.frame.width, rect.height / labelNode.frame.height)
// Change the fontSize.
labelNode.fontSize *= scalingFactor
// Optionally move the SKLabelNode to the center of the rectangle.
labelNode.position = CGPoint(x: rect.midX, y: rect.midY - labelNode.frame.height / 2.0)
Here is the link to the other question.