Here is an example:
function ChildF()
#Creating new function dynamically
$DynFEx =
function DynF()
\"Hello DynF\"
The other solutions are better answers to the specific question. That said, it's good to learn the most general way to create global variables:
# inner scope
Set-Variable -name DynFEx -value 'function DynF() {"Hello DynF"}' -scope global
# somewhere other scope
Invoke-Expression $dynfex
Read 'help about_Scopes' for tons more info.
A more correct and functional way to do this would be to return the function body as a script block and then recompose it.
function ChildF() {
function DynF() {
"Hello DynF"
return ${function:DynF}
$DynFEx = ChildF
Invoke-Expression -Command "function DynF { $DynFEx }"
You can scope the function with the global
function global:DynF {...}
Another option would be to use the Set-Item -Path function:global:ChildFunction -Value {...}
Using Set-Item
, you can pass either a string or a script block to value for the function's definition.