Can someone please explain to me what this error is and how to resolve this error?
Gradle sync failed: D:\\SoundsandPictures.gradle\\4.4\\fileHashes\\
Goto File -> Invalidate caches / Restart
Shutdown Android Studio
Rename/remove .gradle folder in the user home directory
Restart Android Studio (It will download gradle metadata and data)
Gradle build succeed
Rebuild project. Done.
Try this for Mac OS
Go to SDK manager (with Administrator rights), scroll down till the end, download "Android Support Library".
And it works (don't forget Administrator rights).
Reference this SO Question..
i deleted the file, then appear another message but with other file, i did the same 3 times, and then a clean and rebuild and worked. PS: those files regenerate after the build, so no problem there.
I resolved this issue by deleting .gradle folder and then restart android studio clean and rebuild
OK.. To solve this issue, simple navigate to your project folder like C:\Users\AndroidStudioProjects\Project.gradle\taskArtifacts folder and delete the file. The fileHashes.lock is holding a global lock and is preventing you from running your script. Deleting the folder would create the file again and your project will get built. Also there is a possibility that there are other locked files. Simply delete everything within the C:\Users\Administrator.gradle\caches folder.
Create a new Android project and move all your recovered files into it. This issue you are facing is because of existing settings in the old project.
Then ...
Go to File--> Project Structure --> Check Use Embedded JDK (Recommended)
In my case, I hid the .gradle file. On unhiding the file, it was fine.