I want to add comma to decimal numbers every 3 digits using c#.
I wrote this code :
double a = 0;
a = 1.5;
There is a standard format string that will separate thousand units: N
float value = 1234.512;
value.ToString("N"); // 1,234.512
String.Format("N2", value); // 1,234.51
Its doing it right. #,##0 means write at least one digit and zero decimals and space digit groups with comas. Therefore it rounds 1.5 to 2 as it cant write decimals. Try #,##0.00 instead. You'll get 1.50
Did you tried by this:-
string.Format("{0:0,000.0}", 1.5);
Try the following format:
string.Format("{0:#,0.0}", a)
double a = 1.5;
Interaction.MsgBox(string.Format("{0:#,###0.#}", a));
Here is how to do it:
string.Format("{0:0,0.0}", a)