Converting Data.Reify explicit sharing graph to AST with de Bruijn indices

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生来不讨喜 2021-01-02 11:01

I\'m trying to recover sharing (in the Type-Safe Observable Sharing in Haskell sense) for a simple AST, using Data.Reify:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFol         

  • 2021-01-02 11:49

    We'll divide this problem into 3 parts. The first part is to use the data-reify library to recover the graph of the AstF. The second part will create an abstract syntax tree with Let bindings represented with de Bruijn indices. Finally, we will remove all of the unnecessary let bindings.

    These are all the toys we will use along the way. StandaloneDeriving and UndecidableInstances are only needed to provide Eq and Show instances for things like Fix.

    {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    import Data.Foldable
    import Data.Reify
    import Data.Traversable
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import Data.IntMap ((!))
    import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
    import Prelude hiding (any)

    Use data-reify

    You have almost all of the pieces in place to use the data-reify library.

    data AstF f =
          LitF Int
        | AddF f f
        deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
    newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
    deriving instance Eq (f (Fix f)) => Eq (Fix f)
    deriving instance Show (f (Fix f)) => Show (Fix f)
    instance Traversable a => MuRef (Fix a) where
        type DeRef (Fix a) = a
        mapDeRef f = traverse f . out

    All that's missing is the call to reifyGraph. Let's try a small example

        let example = In (AddF (In (AddF (In (LitF 1)) (In (LitF 2)))) example)
        graph <- reifyGraph example
        print graph

    This outputs

    let [(1,AddF 2 1),(2,AddF 3 4),(4,LitF 2),(3,LitF 1)] in 1

    graph has the type Graph AstF, and is constructed by the constructor Graph [(Unique, AstF Unique)] Unique. The first argument to the constructor is the list of nodes with their new unique keys. Each edge in the structure has been replaced with the new unique key of the node at the edge's head. The second argument to the constructor is the unique key of the node of the root of the tree.

    Convert graph to Let representation

    We will convert the Graph from data-reify into a de Bruijn indexed abstract syntax tree with Let bindings. We will represent the AST using the following type. This type doesn't need to know anything about the internal representation of the AST.

    type Index = Int
    -- This can be rewritten in terms of Fix and Functor composition
    data Indexed f
        = Var Index
        | Let (Indexed f) (Indexed f)
        | Exp (f (Indexed f))
    deriving instance Eq (f (Indexed f)) => Eq (Indexed f)
    deriving instance Show (f (Indexed f)) => Show (Indexed f)

    The Indexes represent the number of Lets between where the variable is used and the Let where it was declared. You should read Let a b as let (Var 0)=a in b

    Our strategy to convert the graph into an Indexed AST is to traverse the graph starting at the root node. At every node, we will introduce a Let binding for that node. For every edge we will check to see if the node it refers to is already in an introduced Let binding that is in scope. If it is, we will replace the edge with the variable for that Let binding. If it is not already introduced by a Let binding, we will traverse it. The only thing we need to know about the AST we are operating on is that it is a Functor.

    index :: Functor f => Graph (DeRef (Fix f)) -> Indexed f
    index (Graph edges root) = go [root]
            go keys@(key:_) =
                Let (Exp (fmap lookup (map ! key))) (Var 0)
                        lookup unique = 
                            case List.elemIndex unique keys of
                                Just n -> Var n
                                Nothing -> go (unique:keys)
            map = IntMap.fromList edges

    We will define the following for convenience.

    reifyLet :: Traversable f => Fix f -> IO (Indexed f)
    reifyLet = fmap index . reifyGraph

    We'll try the same example as before

        let example = In (AddF (In (AddF (In (LitF 1)) (In (LitF 2)))) example)
        lets <- reifyLet example
        print lets

    This outputs

    Let (Exp (AddF (Let (Exp (AddF (Let (Exp (LitF 1)) (Var 0)) (Let (Exp (LitF 2)) (Var 0)))) (Var 0)) (Var 0))) (Var 0)

    We only had 1 let binding in example but this has 4 Lets. We will remove the unnecessary Let binding in the next step.

    Remove unnecessary `Let` bindings

    To remove Let bindings that introduce unused variables, we need a notion of what a used variable is. We will define it for any Foldable AST.

    used :: (Foldable f) => Index -> Indexed f -> Bool
    used x (Var y) = x == y
    used x (Let a b) = used (x+1) a || used (x+1) b
    used x (Exp a)  = any (used x) a

    When we remove a Let bindings, the number of intervening Let bindings, and thus the de Bruijn indices for variables, will change. We will need to be able to remove a variable from an Indexed AST

    remove x :: (Functor f) => Index -> Indexed f -> Indexed f
    remove x (Var y) =
        case y `compare` x of
            EQ -> error "Removed variable that's being used`
            LT -> Var y
            GT -> Var (y-1)
    remove x (Let a b) = Let (remove (x+1) a) (remove (x+1) b)
    remove x (Exp a) = Exp (fmap (remove x) a)

    There are two ways a Let binding can introduce an unused variable. The variable can be completely unused, for example let a = 1 in 2, or it can be trivially used, as in let a = 1 in a. The first can be replaced by 2 and the second can be replaced by 1. When we remove the Let binding, we also need to adjust all of the remaining variables in the AST with remove. Things that aren't Let don't introduce unused variables, and have nothing to replace.

    removeUnusedLet :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => Indexed f -> Indexed f
    removeUnusedLet (Let a b) =
        if (used 0 b) 
            case b of
                Var 0 ->
                    if (used 0 a)
                    then (Let a b)
                    else remove 0 a
                _     -> (Let a b)
        else remove 0 b
    removeUnusedLet x = x

    We'd like to be able to apply removeUnusedLet everywhere in the Indexed AST. We could use something more generic for this, but we'll just define for ourselves how to apply a function everywhere in an Indexed AST

    mapIndexed :: (Functor f) => (Indexed f -> Indexed f) -> Indexed f -> Indexed f
    mapIndexed f (Let a b) = Let (f a) (f b)
    mapIndexed f (Exp a)   = Exp (fmap f a)
    mapIndexed f x         = x
    postMap :: (Functor f) => (Indexed f -> Indexed f) -> Indexed f -> Indexed f
    postMap f = go
            go = f . mapIndexed go

    Then we can remove all the unused lets with

    removeUnusedLets = postMap removeUnusedLet

    We'll try our example again

        let example = In (AddF (In (AddF (In (LitF 1)) (In (LitF 2)))) example)
        lets <- reifyLet example
        let simplified = removeUnusedLets lets
        print simplified

    This introduces only a single Let

       Let (Exp (AddF (Exp (AddF (Exp (LitF 1)) (Exp (LitF 2)))) (Var 0))) (Var 0)


    Mutually recursive definitions don't result in mutually recursive Let bindings. For example

            left   =  In (AddF (In (LitF 1)) right       )
            right   = In (AddF left         (In (LitF 2)))
            example = In (AddF left          right       )
        lets <- reifyLet example
        let simplified = removeUnusedLets lets
        print simplified

    Results in

    Exp (AddF
        (Let (Exp (AddF
            (Exp (LitF 1))
            (Exp (AddF (Var 0) (Exp (LitF 2))))
        )) (Var 0))
        (Let (Exp (AddF
            (Exp (AddF (Exp (LitF 1)) (Var 0)))
            (Exp (LitF 2))
        )) (Var 0)))

    I don't believe there is a mutually recursive representation for these in Indexed without using a negative Index.

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