I am new to jade and stuck on this issue. I think I have tried everything from the StackOverflow posts and still at nothing.
The things I have tried
When adding attributes to an html element, you are already within the scope of pug, so you can just use pug variables like regular js variables.
button(type='button' class=' c-btn-blue c-btn-circle c-btn-uppercase' value="Read More" onclick='gotoBlog(' + val.link + ')')
I came across a similar issues and solved it rather differently (by escaping params).
In my case, I needed to pass the following template values
to a javascript function as argument when a button is clicked
token: "Bearer your-token",
accountId: "abc123"
So the pug
in my case looked as follow
button(onclick='authenticate(\'' + url + '\',\'' + token + '\',\'' + accountId + '\')') Login
And the resulting html is as follow
<button onclick="authenticate('http://google.com','Bearer your-token','abc123')">Login</button>