I just upgrade to win8.1 from win8 and I can\'t start wamp server (2.2 x64)
@Ahmed that has been what described on the above posts. The simple answer is after upgrade we need to restart the services as they are stopped and yes it depends on the user whether they are going to keep it running or closed as they can choose whether to start manually or automatically.
After Upgrading of window to window 8.1.
Please click on the wamp icon go to apache then services and then click on install services. And then go to mysql and services and click on install services and the restart your wamp. And enjoy your coding. Hurry
Apparently Windows 8/8.1 are missing some essentials. The solution is to install Microsoft Essentials for Windows 8/8.1. This adds the .NET framework with all the necessary APIs that allow Wamp to function as designed. You can download Windows Essentials from herE: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/essentials . I have already tested this out on several devices, including my laptop and desktop running both Windows 8 and 8.1. Good luck! :)
I've also gone through this situation. I checked the services and there "wampapche" and "wampmysqld" services are disable I've tried to start the services and the service didn't start stating a 1058 error. Then I changed the startup type from manual to automatic and now it's working.
all of your's answers are wrong, not only wampserver but also xampp is not working on windows 8.1 because apache server is not running in windows 8.1 with port 80, becouse port 80 is system reserved port.
Try checking that the Apache and MySQL services are still registered as services.
Look in Windows Services for services called - 'wampapache' and wampmysql'
Or if you have WAMPServer 64bit wampapache64
and wampmysqld64
If they dont exist do the following:-
wampmanager -> MySQL -> Service -> Install Service
wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Install Service
Then try to restart all services.