what\'s the equivalent of this function in javascript:
Basically I need to generate a random ID that looks like:
function uniqId(prefix) {
if (window.performance) {
var s = performance.timing.navigationStart;
var n = performance.now();
var base = Math.floor((s + Math.floor(n))/1000);
} else {
var n = new Date().getTime();
var base = Math.floor(n/1000);
var ext = Math.floor(n%1000*1000);
var now = ("00000000"+base.toString(16)).slice(-8)+("000000"+ext.toString(16)).slice(-5);
if (now <= window.my_las_uid) {
now = (parseInt(window.my_las_uid?window.my_las_uid:now, 16)+1).toString(16);
window.my_las_uid = now;
return (prefix?prefix:'')+now;
it is generated on "the same" priciple as PHP's uniqId() - specifically encoded time in microseconds.
I use it exactly as I would if it where PHP. Both return the same result.
function uniqid(a = "", b = false) {
const c = Date.now()/1000;
let d = c.toString(16).split(".").join("");
while(d.length < 14) d += "0";
let e = "";
e = ".";
e += Math.round(Math.random()*100000000);
return a + d + e;