I want to add MIDI capabilities to Delphi Android apps. MIDI is available via the SoniVox library which can be accessed via the Android NDK. An example of this driver can be
NDK libraries that are used by Delphi should be placed in <path to your PlatformSDKs>\android-ndk-r8e\platforms\android-14\arch-arm\usr\lib
. I realised this thanks the recommendations of Arioch and Chris to use the NDK directly. Most android files in the Source\rtl\android
directory include the file Androidapi.inc
which contains the following definitions
AndroidLib = '/usr/lib/libandroid.so';
AndroidJniGraphicsLib = '/usr/lib/libjnigraphics.so';
AndroidEglLib = '/usr/lib/libEGL.so';
AndroidGlesLib = '/usr/lib/libGLESv1_CM.so';
AndroidGles2Lib = '/usr/lib/libGLESv2.so';
AndroidLogLib = '/usr/lib/liblog.so';
AndroidOpenSlesLib = '/usr/lib/libOpenSLES.so';
The directory /usr/lib
does not exist on the Nexus-7 but I found it in the path mentioned above with all the files declared in the const
part. Copying the libmidi.so
to this directory solved the problem. I now have the not so minor problem of hearing no sound. I'll try to solve that now, as well as trying to call the NDK directly.