I was learning Express/Node/Jade and now in the Jade file I want to include a javascript file from the public folder just for the page. For example, in jade file I type this
Well... In the first instance, it is different what happens in the browser of what happens on the server. So Jade is a rendering of HTML, therefore if you are in the browser. It's what ExpressJS shipping, ie rendering Jade. If you want to call, your HTML Javascript (Rendering of Jade), should show you where the Javascript. For exmaple
in Server.js
// Get the Javascript in the browser
app.use("/javascripts", express.static("./outJavascripts"));
// Get the URL
app.all("/", function(req, res){
// Render the Jade and Send for the client (Browser)
In myTemplate.jade
In "./outJavascripts/test.js"
function check_test(){
console.log("It's working! :D");
return "It's working!";
If you do this, you will realize that it is run, the file "./outJavascripts/test.js" in the browser. And the function "check_test" never run in the server.
Save your JS file and link it in your Jade file as:
Then call the function, I'm using a button here for example:
button(class="btn", onclick='functionName()')
Or put all folders in a common folder, for example public
and then expose that public folder
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
which means you can
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')