Parsimonious way to add north arrow and scale bar to ggmap

前端 未结 2 1120
一整个雨季 2021-01-02 09:35

I am trying to use ggmap to create a map of the protected areas I am working in with a satellite image from google earth underneath. I can make a very satisfactory image ex

  • 2021-01-02 09:48

    I tend to use my own function to draw scalebars on ggmaps. That gives you the fine control to lay it out exactly how you want it. For example,

    scalebar = function(x,y,w,n,d, units="km"){
      # x,y = lower left coordinate of bar
      # w = width of bar
      # n = number of divisions on bar
      # d = distance along each division
      bar = data.frame( 
        xmin = seq(0.0, n*d, by=d) + x,
        xmax = seq(0.0, n*d, by=d) + x + d,
        ymin = y,
        ymax = y+w,
        z = rep(c(1,0),n)[1:(n+1)],
        fill.col = rep(c("black","white"),n)[1:(n+1)])
      labs = data.frame(
        xlab = c(seq(0.0, (n+1)*d, by=d) + x, x), 
        ylab = c(rep(y-w*1.5, n+2), y-3*w),
        text = c(as.character(seq(0.0, (n+1)*d, by=d)), units)
      list(bar, labs)
    sb = scalebar(33.5, -3.8, 0.05, 5, 0.3, "degrees" )
    # Plot map
    ggmap(map, extent= "device") +
      geom_rect(data=sb[[1]], aes(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, fill=z), inherit.aes=F,
                show.legend = F,  color = "black", fill = sb[[1]]$fill.col) +
      geom_text(data=sb[[2]], aes(x=xlab, y=ylab, label=text), inherit.aes=F, show.legend = F) 

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  • 2021-01-02 09:56

    It looks like map.scale and north.arrow are designed to work with base graphics, but ggplot uses grid graphics. I'm not that familiar with graphing spatial data, but as a quick hack for the North arrow, the code below includes two different options:

    ggmap(map, extent= "device") +
      geom_segment(arrow=arrow(length=unit(3,"mm")), aes(x=33.5,xend=33.5,y=-2.9,yend=-2.6), 
                   colour="yellow") +
      annotate(x=33.5, y=-3, label="N", colour="yellow", geom="text", size=4) +
      geom_segment(arrow=arrow(length=unit(4,"mm"), type="closed", angle=40), 
                   aes(x=33.7,xend=33.7,y=-2.7,yend=-2.6), colour=hcl(240,50,80)) +
      geom_label(aes(x=33.7, y=-2.75, label="N"),
                 size=3, label.padding=unit(1,"mm"), label.r=unit(0.4,"lines"))  

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