zombie process can't be killed

前端 未结 6 661
北海茫月 2021-01-02 08:41

Is there a way to kill a zombie process? I\'ve tried calling exit to kill the process and even sending SIGINT signal to the process, but it seems t

  • 2021-01-02 09:20

    kill -17 ZOMBIE_PID



    would possibly work, bu tlike everyone else said, it is waiting for the parent to call wait() so unless the parent dies without reaping, and it got stuck there for some reason you might not want to kill it.

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  • 2021-01-02 09:22

    Here is a script I created to kill ALL zombie processes. It uses the GDB debugger to attach to the parent process and send a waitpid to kill the zombie process. This will leave the parent live and only slay the zombie.

    GDB debugger will need to be installed and you will need to be logged in with permissions to attach to a process. This has been tested on Centos 6.3.

    # Script: Zombie Slayer
    # Author: Mitch Milner
    # Date:   03/13/2013 ---> A good day to slay zombies
    # Requirements: yum install gdb
    #               permissions to attach to the parent process
    # This script works by using a debugger to
    # attach to the parent process and then issuing
    # a waitpid to the dead zombie. This will not kill
    # the living parent process.
    # Wait for user input to proceed, give user a chance to cancel script
    echo "***********************************************************"
    echo -e "This script will terminate all zombie process."
    echo -e "Press [ENTER] to continue or [CTRL] + C to cancel:"
    echo "***********************************************************"
    read cmd_string
    echo -e "\n"
    # initialize variables
    # remove old gdb command file
    rm -f /tmp/zombie_slayer.txt
    # create the gdb command file
    echo "***********************************************************"
    echo "Creating command file..."
    echo "***********************************************************"
    ps -e -o ppid,pid,stat,command | grep Z | sort | while read LINE; do
      parentid=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'`
      zombieid=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'`
      verifyzombie=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $3}'`
      # make sure this is a zombie file and we are not getting a Z from
      # the command field of the ps -e -o ppid,pid,stat,command
      if [ "$verifyzombie" == "Z" ]
        if [ "$parentid" != "$lastparentid" ]
          if [ "$lastparentid" != "0" ]
            echo "detach" >> /tmp/zombie_slayer.txt
        echo "attach $parentid" >> /tmp/zombie_slayer.txt
        echo "call waitpid ($zombieid,0,0)" >> /tmp/zombie_slayer.txt
        echo "Logging: Parent: $parentid  Zombie: $zombieid"
    if [ "$lastparentid" != "0" ]
      echo "detach" >> /tmp/zombie_slayer.txt
    # Slay the zombies with gdb and the created command file
    echo -e "\n\n"
    echo "***********************************************************"
    echo "Slaying zombie processes..."
    echo "***********************************************************"
    gdb -batch -x /tmp/zombie_slayer.txt
    echo -e "\n\n"
    echo "***********************************************************"
    echo "Script complete."
    echo "***********************************************************"


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  • 2021-01-02 09:26

    if I recall correctly, killing the parent of a zombie process will allow the zombie process to die.

    use ps faux to get a nice hierarchical tree of your running processes showing parent/child relationships.

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  • 2021-01-02 09:29

    See unix-faqs "How do I get rid of zombie processes that persevere?"

    You cannot kill zombies, as they are already dead. But if you have too many zombies then kill parent process or restart service.

    You can try to kill zombie process using its pid

    kill -9 pid

    Please note that kill -9 does not guarantee to kill a zombie process

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  • 2021-01-02 09:33

    Zombie processes are already dead, so they cannot be killed, they can only be reaped, which has to be done by their parent process via wait*(). This is usually called the child reaper idiom, in the signal handler for SIGCHLD:

    while (wait*(... WNOHANG ...)) {
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  • 2021-01-02 09:38

    A zombie process is a process id (and associated termination status and resource usage information) that has not yet been waited for by its parent process. The only ways to eliminate it are to get its parent to wait for it (sometimes this can be achieved by sending SIGCHLD to the parent manually if the parent was just buggy and had a race condition where it missed the chance to wait) but usually you're out of luck unless you forcibly terminate the parent.

    Edit: Another way, if you're desperate and don't want to kill the parent, is to attach to the parent with gdb and forcibly call waitpid on the zombie child.

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