I have a question around getting CPU utilization for a given JNI block. I\'m making some intensive CPU computation in the underlying C++ JNI native method. I\'m in the proce
On Linux, this method may help you:
kill -3 <pid of Java process>
to get the thread dump. Thread dump will be added standard output.top
to enable Threads ViewYou can use ThreadMXBean
to get cpu usage statistics from all running threads. In the example below the CPU usage per thread
is calculated:
private int sampleTime = 10000;
private ThreadMXBean threadMxBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();
private RuntimeMXBean runtimeMxBean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean();
private OperatingSystemMXBean osMxBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
private Map<Long, Long> threadInitialCPU = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
private Map<Long, Float> threadCPUUsage = new HashMap<Long, Float>();
private long initialUptime = runtimeMxBean.getUptime();
ThreadInfo[] threadInfos = threadMxBean.dumpAllThreads(false, false);
for (ThreadInfo info : threadInfos) {
threadInitialCPU.put(info.getThreadId(), threadMxBean.getThreadCpuTime(info.getThreadId()));
try {Thread.sleep(sampleTime);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
long upTime = runtimeMxBean.getUptime();
Map<Long, Long> threadCurrentCPU = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
ThreadInfo[] threadInfos = threadMxBean.dumpAllThreads(false, false);
for (ThreadInfo info : threadInfos) {
threadCurrentCPU.put(info.getThreadId(), threadMxBean.getThreadCpuTime(info.getThreadId()));
// CPU over all processes
//int nrCPUs = osMxBean.getAvailableProcessors();
// total CPU: CPU % can be more than 100% (devided over multiple cpus)
long nrCPUs = 1;
// elapsedTime is in ms.
long elapsedTime = (upTime - initialUptime);
for (ThreadInfo info : threadInfos) {
// elapsedCpu is in ns
Long initialCPU = threadInitialCPU.get(info.getThreadId());
if (initialCPU != null) {
long elapsedCpu = threadCurrentCPU.get(info.getThreadId()) - initialCPU;
float cpuUsage = elapsedCpu / (elapsedTime * 1000000F * nrCPUs);
threadCPUUsage.put(info.getThreadId(), cpuUsage);
// threadCPUUsage contains cpu % per thread
// You can use osMxBean.getThreadInfo(theadId) to get information on every thread reported in threadCPUUsage and analyze the most CPU intentive threads