I\'m trying to install tensorflow which supports GPU.
I tried the information in the following link
<I had a similar problem, and had to be very careful about the version of CUDA, and the version of CuDNN. I hit the exact error you are hitting, and fixed it by going through what I documented here: http://www.laurencemoroney.com/installing-tensorflow-with-gpu-on-windows-10/
Give it a try! :)
(The most common failure I've found is that you download the latest CUDA, and not the matching CUDA. Right now CUDA is at 9.1, but TF requires 9.0 -- your error says cudart90.dll) -- so find the 9.0 drivers, download and install them. Then run TensorFlow. It might then fail on the CuDNN drivers, which is good, becuase you know CUDA is right. Then download the right CuDNN drivers (matching the version # in the error) and try again.)
Please download the proper drivers as latest version of cuda v8.0 toolkit needs tensorflow 1.4.x needs.
As, by default pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu
install latest version of tensorflow which needs cuda v9.0 (latest) not cuda v8.0 toolkit
You'll need to install the version 1.4.1 for CUDA-8 as
pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.4.1
The latest (version 1.5) is for CUDA-9 You'll need to install the version 1.5 for CUDA-9 as
pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.5
Download cuddn for your appropriate cuda version toolkit from here and follow this.
Download appropriate cuda toolkit from here