I\'m trying to mock out the System.net.Sockets.Socket class in C# - I tried using NUnit mocks but it can\'t mock concrete classes. I also tried using Rhino Mocks but it see
The reason you get a SocketException when you call the Send method is because Send is not an overridable method. For RhinoMocks to be able to mock the behavior of a property or method, it has to either be defined in an interface (which we then create our mock off) or is overridable.
Your only solution to this is to create a mockable wrapper class (as suggested by thinkzig).
I've created an example console application using the method thinkzig suggests (an adapter class for Socket). It uses RhinoMocks and NUnit. You can download it here: How to mock System.Net.Sockets.Socket.
The above class only Mocks your Send Method. This actually mocks a Socket. It Inherits all of Socket and then Implements the ISocket interface. ISocket needs to implement the signatures of any Socket methods or properties you need to mock
//internal because only used for test code
internal class SocketWrapper : Socket, ISocket
/// <summary>
/// Web Socket
/// </summary>
public SocketWrapper():base(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
//use all features of base Socket
The interface looks like this with two methods declined:
public interface ISocket
void Connect(IPAddress address, int port);
int Send(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, SocketFlags socketFlags, out SocketError errorCode);
The Class that uses them has 2 constructors. One injects an ISocket for testing and then one that makes it's own Socket that the application uses.
public class HTTPRequestFactory3
internal ISocket _socket;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a socket and sends/receives information. Used for mocking to inject ISocket
/// </summary>
internal HTTPRequestFactory3(ISocket TheSocket)
_socket = TheSocket as ISocket;
/// <summary>
/// Self Injects a new Socket.
/// </summary>
public HTTPRequestFactory3()
SocketWrapper theSocket = new SocketWrapper();
_socket = theSocket as ISocket;
Then your tests can create a ISocket, set up expectations and verify them running all the same code the above class will use with a real socket. This test validates that section code.
public void NewSocketFactoryCreatesSocketDefaultConstructor()
webRequestFactory = new HTTPRequestFactory3();
Socket testSocket = webRequestFactory._socket as Socket;
Whenever I run into these kinds of problems with Moq I end up creating an interface to abstract away the thing I can't mock.
So in your instance you might have an ISocket interface that implements the Send method. Then have your mocking framework mock that instead.
In your actual code, you'd have a class like this
public class MySocket : ISocket
System.Net.Sockets.Socket _socket;
public void MySocket(System.Net.Sockets.Socket theSocket)
_socket = theSocket;
public virtual void Send(byte[] stuffToSend)
Not sure if that meets your needs, but it's an option.
You'd better to create an interface and mock it in your test, and implement a wrapper class in your code, that forward all method calls to .NET socket as thinkzig said. Look at this link, it's same issue: How do you mock out the file system in C# for unit testing?