Suppose I store employee data in a xml
column in my log table. Sometimes data is also updated in the xml
column from a stored procedure.
I am too late here !!! However I found that if employees XML as shown above has multiple records then the JOIN query with CTE returns incorrect results.
I have below XML input
<Name> keith </Name>
<EmpID> 1005 </EmpID>
<Name> keith </Name>
<EmpID> 1004 </EmpID>
<Name> keith </Name>
<EmpID> 1005 </EmpID>
<Name> keith </Name>
<EmpID> 1004 </EmpID>
<Name> keith1 </Name>
<EmpID> 10040 </EmpID>
I will use below query to find the difference
select T.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)') as NodeName,
T.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(100)') as Value
from @XML2.nodes('/NewDataSet/Employees/Employee/*') as T(N)
select T.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)') as NodeName,
T.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(100)') as Value
from @XML1.nodes('/NewDataSet/Employees/Employee/*') as T(N)
Hope this helps !!!
;with XML1 as
select T.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)') as NodeName,
T.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(100)') as Value
from @XML1.nodes('/NewDataSet/Employee/*') as T(N)
XML2 as
select T.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)') as NodeName,
T.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(100)') as Value
from @XML2.nodes('/NewDataSet/Employee/*') as T(N)
select coalesce(XML1.NodeName, XML2.NodeName) as NodeName,
XML1.Value as Value1,
XML2.Value as Value2
from XML1
full outer join XML2
on XML1.NodeName = XML2.NodeName
where coalesce(XML1.Value, '') <> coalesce(XML2.Value, '')
NodeName Value1 Value2
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
EmpID 1005 1006
DOB 12/02/1981 05/02/1981
DeptID ACC001 ACC002
Salary 10,500 10,900
I don't have the exact output you wanted - but at least you get a good comparison of old and new values:
;WITH OldData AS
@XML1.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/EmpID)[1]', 'int') AS 'EmpID',
@XML1.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/Name)[1]', 'varchar(50)') AS 'Name',
@XML1.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/DOB)[1]', 'datetime') AS 'DOB',
@XML1.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/DeptID)[1]', 'varchar(50)') AS 'DeptID',
@XML1.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/Salary)[1]', 'varchar(25)') AS 'Salary'
NewData AS
@XML2.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/EmpID)[1]', 'int') AS 'EmpID',
@XML2.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/Name)[1]', 'varchar(50)') AS 'Name',
@XML2.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/DOB)[1]', 'datetime') AS 'DOB',
@XML2.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/DeptID)[1]', 'varchar(50)') AS 'DeptID',
@XML2.value('(/NewDataSet/Employee/Salary)[1]', 'varchar(25)') AS 'Salary'
'Old values', od.*
FROM OldData od
SELECT 'New values', nd.*
FROM NewData nd
Gives you an output of:
EmpID Name DOB DeptID Salary
Old values 1005 keith 1981-12-02 00:00:00.000 ACC001 10,500
New values 1006 keith 1981-05-02 00:00:00.000 ACC002 10,900
SQL Server is great for storing and manipulating data - but presentation like this should be done in a front-end application (like an ASP.NET application) - not in T-SQL....