This is what I have, currently. Is there any nicer way to do this?
import struct
def int32_to_uint32(i):
return struct.unpack_from(\"I\", struct.pack(\"i
I just started learning python, but something simple like this works for values in the range of a signed 32-bit integer
def uint(x):
if x < 0:
return hex(0xffff_ffff - abs(x) + 1)
return hex(x)
Not sure if it's "nicer" or not...
import ctypes
def int32_to_uint32(i):
return ctypes.c_uint32(i).value
using numpy for example:
import numpy
result = numpy.uint32( numpy.int32(myval) )
or even on arrays,
arr = numpy.array(range(10))
result = numpy.uint32( numpy.int32(arr) )