I want to add an object to Google Cloud Firestore in my Flutter app like this:
I ha
@Laksh22 As far as I understand, you mean something like this:
Firestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
await transaction.set(Firestore.instance.collection("your_collection").document(), {
'reply' : {
'replyName': replyName,
'replyText': replyText,
'replyVotes': replyVotes,
just like the screenshot above.
first, i highly recommend you have a single file that defines all of your schemas and/or models so there's a single point of reference for your db structure. like some file named dbSchema.dart:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class Replies {
final String title;
final Map coordinates;
@required this.title,
@required this.coordinates,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() =>
'title': title,
'coordinates': coordinates,
and make the field that you want to be an object type Map. then, on the page you're going to insert into the db, import dbSchema.dart and create a new model:
Replies _replyObj = new Replies(
title: _topic,
coordinates: _coordinates,
this assumes you've defined your local _coordinates (or whatever) object prior to this, with something like :
_coordinates = {
'lat': '40.0000',
'lng': '110.000',
and to then insert into Firestore, add the object's toJson method (you cannot insert/update a plain Dart model):
CollectionReference dbReplies = Firestore.instance.collection('replies');
Firestore.instance.runTransaction((Transaction tx) async {
var _result = await dbReplies.add(_replyObj.toJson());
Update (5/31)
To convert the document read back into an object you need to add a fromJson
to the class, like so:
Replies.fromJson(Map parsedJson) {
id = parsedJson['id']; // the doc ID, helpful to have
title = parsedJson['title'] ?? '';
coordinates = parsedJson['coordinates'] ?? {};
so when you query the db:
QuerySnapshot _repliesQuery = await someCollection
.where('title', isEqualTo: _title)
List<DocumentSnapshot> _replyDocs = _repliesQuery.documents;
you can create an object out of each snapshot:
for (int _i = 0; _i < _replyDocs.length; _i++) {
Replies _reply = Replies.fromJson(_replyDocs[_i].data);
_reply.id = _replyDocs[_i].documentID;
// do something with the new _reply object
You can run a Firestore
transaction like this:
Firestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
await transaction.set(Firestore.instance.collection("your_collection").document(), {
'replyName': replyName,
'replyText': replyText,
'replyVotes': replyVotes,