I have the following JSON, and I want to parse it into array of class:
\"1001\": {\"level\":10, \"monster-id\": 1001, \"skill-level\": 1, \"aimer-id\":
Slightly off to one side - you asked for an array of objects when you needed a map
If you need an array (actually a slice)
This code has many errors in it. To start with, the json isn't valid json. You are missing the commas in between key pairs in your top level object. I added the commas and pretty printed it for you:
Your next problem (the one you asked about) is that m := data.(map[string]interface{})
makes m
a map[string]interface{}
. That means when you index it such as the v
in your range loop, the type is interface{}
. You need to type assert it again with v.(map[string]interface{})
and then type assert each time you read from the map.
I also notice that you next attempt mc.Pool[i] = monster
when i is an int and mc.Pool is a map[string]Monster. An int is not a valid key for that map.
Your data looks very rigid so I would make unmarshall do most of the work for you. Instead of providing it a map[string]interface{}, you can provide it a map[string]Monster.
Here is a quick example. As well as changing how the unmarshalling works, I also added an error return. The error return is useful for finding bugs. That error return is what told me you had invalid json.
type Monster struct {
MonsterId int32 `json:"monster-id"`
Level int32 `json:"level"`
SkillLevel int32 `json:"skill-level"`
AimerId int32 `json:"aimer-id"`
type MonsterCollection struct {
Pool map[string]Monster
func (mc *MonsterCollection) FromJson(jsonStr string) error {
var data = &mc.Pool
b := []byte(jsonStr)
return json.Unmarshal(b, data)
I posted a working example to goplay: http://play.golang.org/p/4EaasS2VLL