I\'m trying to test my webapp2 handlers. To do this, I thought it would be a good idea to send a request to the handler e.g.:
request = webapp2.Request.blank(
You can mock BaseHandler.render_template
method and test its parameters.
See this question for a list of popular Python mocking frameworks.
Thanks to proppy's suggestion I ended up using a mock.
(mock is included as part or unittest.mock in python 3)
So here is my main.py code which is similar to what I have in webapp2:
note instead of BaseHandler.render_template i have BaseHandler.say_yo
__author__ = 'Robert'
print "hello from main"
class BaseHandler():
def say_yo(self,some_number=99):
print "yo"
return "sup"
class TheHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self, my_number=42):
print "in TheHandler's get()"
print self.say_yo(my_number)
return "TheHandler's return string"
and atest.py:
__author__ = 'Robert'
import unittest
import main
from mock import patch
class DemoTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def testNothing(self):
self.assertEqual(42, 21 + 21)
def testSomeRequests(self):
print "hi"
bh = main.BaseHandler()
print bh.say_yo()
print "1111111"
with patch('main.BaseHandler.say_yo') as patched_bh:
print dir(patched_bh)
patched_bh.return_value = 'double_sup'
bh2 = main.BaseHandler()
print bh2.say_yo()
print "222222"
bh3 = main.BaseHandler()
print bh3.say_yo()
print "3333"
th = main.TheHandler()
print th.get()
print "44444"
with patch('main.BaseHandler.say_yo') as patched_bh:
patched_bh.return_value = 'last_sup'
th = main.TheHandler()
print th.get()
print th.get(123)
print "---"
print patched_bh.called
print patched_bh.call_args_list
print "555555"
if __name__ == '__main__':
this code gives lots of output, here is a sample:
in TheHandler's get()
TheHandler's return string
in TheHandler's get()
TheHandler's return string
[call(42), call(123)]