An instance of SQL Server 2012 Express became corrupted somehow.
I suspect it was related in some way to my use of Entity Framework, but have no proof yet.
In my case the reason for the uninstaller getting stuck at SqlEngineConfigAction_repair_validation_Cpu64
were invalid file paths in the SQL server's system tables.
To correct this, allowing uninstallation, this worked for me:
1) Set service to use local account (Start -> Local Services -> SQL-Server->Properties -> Log on -> Local System acccount)
2) Follow the steps here:
3) Retry uninstalling.
In case the above link becomes unavailable, here's a short summary:
SELECT name, physical_name, state_desc FROM sys.master_files ORDER BY database_id;
(go)ALTER DATABASE model MODIFY FILE ( NAME = modeldev, FILENAME = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQLEXPRESS01\MSSQL\DATA\model.mdf');
Note that the files have different NAMEs and different extensions (.mdf, .ldf)NET STOP MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
In custom installation, changing SQL Server Database Engine's Account Name to " NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" fixed this installation problem for SQL Server Express 2017.
For Details:
In my case, I was trying to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 which was stuck during installation at SqlEngineDBStartConfigAction_install_configrc_Cpu64 step. Uninstallation was getting stuck at SqlEngineConfigAction_remove_validation_Cpu64 step. What helped me was following these steps:
Hope it works.
I had two versions of SQL Server installed. After uninstalling one it froze on SqlEngineConfigAction_remove_validation_Cpu64. The solution that worked for me was just to run uninstall from media. I guess after uninstalling one version it messed up the uninstallation files; so the other uninstallation from control panel add remove froze. so I mounted the SQLServer iso and run from there
setup.exe /Action=Uninstall
Please remember to uninstall all other entries of SQL Server from Add/Remove programs (of course except the entry that is causing problem i.e. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)).
Here's what worked for me.
Solution 1:
- Stop the "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" & "SQL Server VSS Writer" services
and set their Startup Type to "Manual".
- Restart the PC.
- Run the repair process.
- Change the Startup Type back to "Automatic" and restart the services.
Solution 2:
- Stop the "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" & "SQL Server VSS Writer" services and set their Startup Type to "Disabled".
- Restart the PC.
- Run the Remove process to uninstall SQL Server Express entirely (instance + shared components).
- Restart the PC again.
- [Optional] Run your favorite registry cleaner such as CCleaner.
- Install SQL Server Express (unless your goal was just to uninstall it).
NOTE: In the Solution 2 scenario, I tried the Repair process after the 1st PC restart, but it got stuck at step SqlEngineConfigAction_repair_validation_Cpu64.
This advice from TechNet worked for me:
Following Registry-Key must be set to 1[...]:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AppCompat\sbEnable = 1
In my case that registry directory did not exist at all. And the uninstall was STILL stuck at that location for several (less than 10) minutes. But eventually it continued and finished.