I have a ruby client that connects to an exchange server using IMAP & SSL. I use the Ruby Net::IMAP library (which uses openssl under the covers) to connect. Its been wo
Well it turns out the root cause on this one was ms exchange was misconfigured. I would love to have learned more about ssl errors and how to troublshoot them, but I just didnt get much info on this.
I did try to just troublshoot this using open ssl, fyi, you can do: OpenSSL> s_client -connect myserver:993
When it was broken, I received this error: CONNECTED(00000003) 26831:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake failure:s23_lib.c:188:
Once we fixed I got a cert and handshake message etc.
Here is what my exchange admin said he did: "I just went to the IMAP protocol and went to the access tab. Then the certificates button. From there I chose to replace the cert and chose the new cert."
I received this error trying to connect to dynamoDB with rails 3 using the default setup. Solution was to add
config.port = 443
to the
As of this writing this fix is in an unmerged branch of the gem.
According to the documentation, you can set the SSL verification to none when instantiating Net:IMAP
foo = Net::IMAP.new(host, port, true, nil, false)
You can also point to a local copy of the CA cert with the certs
note: I haven't tried this myself...