I am trying to create a couple lines of code that will pull from WMI if a machine is either 32/64 bit and then if it is 64 do this .... if it is 32bit do this...
if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "x86"){"32-Bit CPU"}Else{"64-Bit CPU"}
-edit, sorry forgot to include more code to explain the usage.
#If the powershell console is x86, create alias to run x64 powershell console.
set-alias ps64 "$env:windir\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
$script2=[ScriptBlock]::Create("#your commands here, bonus is the script block expands variables defined above")
ps64 -command $script2
#Otherwise, run the x64 commands.
Random discussion about it
Assuming you are running at least Windows 7, the following should work.
Including a sample that worked for me in a 32 bit version of powershell running on a 64 bit machine:
gwmi win32_operatingsystem | select osarchitecture
Returns "64-bit" for 64 bit.
if ((gwmi win32_operatingsystem | select osarchitecture).osarchitecture -eq "64-bit")
#64 bit logic here
Write "64-bit OS"
#32 bit logic here
Write "32-bit OS"
[IntPtr]::Size -eq 4 # 32 bit
The size of an IntPtr will be 4 bytes on a 32 bit machine and 8 bytes on a 64 bit machine (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.intptr.size.aspx).
This is similar to a previous answer but will get a correct result regardless of 64-bit/64_bit/64bit/64bits format.
if ((Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem | select osarchitecture).osarchitecture -like "64*")
#64bit code here
Write "64-bit OS"
#32bit code here
Write "32-bit OS"
There's two boolean static methods in the Environment you can inspect and compare, one looks at the PowerShell process, one looks at the underlying OS.
if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess -ne [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem)
"PowerShell process does not match the OS"
Two lines smashed togther for a nice one-liner:
Write-Host "64bit process?:"$([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) ;Write-Host "64bit OS?:"$([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem);