In python, I can easily search for the first occurrence of a regex within a string like this:
import re\"pattern\", \"target_text\")
One approach is to prefix the regex with (?s:.*)
and force the engine to try matching at the furthest position and gradually backing off:"(?s:.*)pattern", "target_text")
Do note that the result of this method may differ from re.findall("pattern", "target_text")[-1]
, since the findall
method searches for non-overlapping matches, and not all substrings which can be matched are included in the result.
For example, executing the regex a.a
on abaca
, findall
would return aba
as the only match and select it as the last match, while the code above will return aca
as the match.
Yet another alternative is to use regex package, which supports REVERSE
matching mode.
The result would be more or less the same as the method with (?s:.*)
in re
package as described above. However, since I haven't tried the package myself, it's not clear how backreference works in REVERSE
mode - the pattern might require modification in such cases.
import re"pattern(?!.*pattern)", "target_text")
import re
re.findall("pattern", "target_text")[-1]
You can use these 2 approaches.
If you want positions
x="abc abc abc"
print [(i.start(),i.end(), for i in re.finditer(r"abc",x)][-1]
One approach is to use split. For example if you wanted to get the last group after ':' in this sample string:
mystr = 'dafdsaf:ewrewre:cvdsfad:ewrerae'