How to convert DateTime into different timezones? The DateTime class has two methods .toLocal() and .toUtc(). But if I want to display time in another time zone. How can I d
You can use TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime() to change timezone. Try like this
DateTime hwTime = new DateTime(2007, 02, 01, 08, 00, 00);
try {
TimeZoneInfo hwZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Hawaiian Standard Time");
TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(hwTime, hwZone, TimeZoneInfo.Local));
catch (TimeZoneNotFoundException) {
Console.WriteLine("Timezone not found");
catch (InvalidTimeZoneException) {
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Timezone");
This will convert from Hawaiian Standard Time to Local.
It is just an example. Use it to convert as per your need.
doesn't contain timezone information therefore you can't create a DateTime
in a specific timezone only the timezone of your system and UTC are available.
You can wrap the DateTime in a custom class and add timezone information to the wrapper. You also need a table of offsets for each timezone and then add/substract the offset from the UTC date.
I wrote a package for this. It's called Instant, and it can convert a DateTime in any given timezone worldwide. Take a detailed look at
The basic usage for converting a DateTime to a timezone is very simple:
//Assumes Instant is in your pubspec
import 'package:instant/instant.dart';
//Super Simple!
DateTime myDT =; //Current DateTime
DateTime EastCoast = dateTimeToZone(zone: "EST", datetime: myDT); //DateTime in EST zone
return EastCoast;
This works with one line of code and minimal hassle.
import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart'
String locationLocal = await FlutterNativeTimezone.getLocalTimezone();
//Esta Função recebe uma data/hora e converte para data/hora local.
TZDateTime convertFireBaseToLocal(TZDateTime tzDateTime, String locationLocal) {
TZDateTime nowLocal = new;
int difference = nowLocal.timeZoneOffset.inHours;
TZDateTime newTzDateTime;
newTzDateTime = tzDateTime.add(Duration(hours: difference));
return newTzDateTime;