Is it possible to tell Git to ignore symlinks ? I\'m working with a mixed Linux / Windows environment and, as you know, symlinks are handled very differently between the two
No, it is not possible to do this globally. However, if you have lots of symlinks here is a bash script that you can use to easily add them to your repo's .gitignore file:
for f in $(git status --porcelain | grep '^??' | sed 's/^?? //'); do
test -L "$f" && echo $f >> .gitignore; # add symlinks
test -d "$f" && echo $f\* >> .gitignore; # add new directories as well
Use git version >= 1.6
Git used to treat sym-links the same as regular files, but newer git versions (>= 1.6) check if a file is beyond a symbolic link and will throw a fatal error.
# git init
# mkdir newdir
# touch newdir/foo
# git add newdir/foo
# git commit -m 'add foo'
# mv newdir /tmp/
# ln -s /tmp/newdir
# touch newdir/bar
# git add newdir/bar
fatal: 'newdir/bar' is beyond a symbolic link
# git add/tmp/newdir
fatal: '/tmp/newdir' is outside repository
# git --version
git version