Does anyone know if a utf8_unicode_cs collation for MySQL exists? So far, my searches have come up dry. If it simply doesn\'t exist yet, is it fairly straight-forward to cre
I came across the same issue and after some Googling, it seems that MySQL doesn't include it. To "simulate it", as you put it,
1) To ensure case-sensitivity in the DB: set the table column to utf8_bin
This allows:
will NOT return rows with "joe" / "joE" / "jOe" / etc 2) To get the proper ordering in results: add the collation to the SQL query:
SELECT ... ORDER BY column COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci
This is an old question but does not seem to be superseded by any other, so I thought it worth posting that things have changed.
MySQL version 8 now has the following collations for utf8mb4:
... and many language-specific variants of same.
(no _ai_cs as far as I know, but that would in any case be less useful: few reasons to group [a] and [a-acute] and then separately group [A] and [A-acute]).
The purpose of the original question's hypothetical "utf8_unicode_cs" is fulfilled by utf8mb4_0900_as_cs. (The 0900 means it uses Unicode v 9.0.0 as opposed to 4.0.0 used by utf8_unicode_ci.)
To use these you'd need to change the field from utf8 to utf8mb4 character set - but that's a generally good idea anyway because the old 3-byte-max encoding can't handle e.g. emoji and other non-BMP characters.