I would like to write a jquery function that accepts either a dom element or its id as input:
function myfunction(myinput){
// pseudocode:
// if (myinput i
I wonder if a nice ternary would work, something like this
var myID = $(myInput).attr('id') ? $(myInput).attr('id') : myInput;
You would implement your function like this:
function myfunction(myinput){
if (myinput.nodeType){
var myID = $(myinput).attr('id');
} else {
var myID = myinput;
// Do stuff with myID ...
More information about nodeType.
if( myinput instanceof domElement ) alert("Yes");
It's easier to do the check the other way around - check if it's a string if so use it to get an ID else treat it as a DOM node/element and handle it as if it was one.
function myfunction(myinput) {
var myId;
if (typeof myinput == 'string'){
myId = myinput;
} else {
myId = myinput.id; // myinput.id is enough
// do something
or if you really want to check against if it's HTMLElement then every DOM html element extends HTMLElement abstract interface. Check MDC for more info on HTMLElement.
if (myinput instanceof HTMLElement){
myId = myinput.id; // myinput.id is enough
} else {
myId = myinput;
In the end it won't really matter... your call!