I am using Selenium to test a website, does this work if I find and element by more than one criteria? for example :
No it does not. You cannot concatenate/add selectors like that. This is not valid anyway. However, you can write the selectors such a way that will cover all the scenarios and use that with findElements()
By byXpath = By.xpath("//input[(@id='id_Start') and (@class = 'blabla')]")
List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(byXpath);
This should return you a list of elements with input
tags having class name blabla
and having id
CSS Selectors would be perfect in this scenario.
Your example would
There are lots of information if you search for CSS selectors. Also, when dealing with classes, CSS is easier than XPath because Xpath treats class as a literal string, where as CSS treats it as a space delimited collection
To combine By statements, use ByChained:
new ByChained(
However if the criteria refer to the same element, see @Saifur's answer.