Does anyone know how to convert a char array to a LPCTSTR in c?
For more reference, I need to add an integer to a string then convert that string to LP
It is an old classical question. I use it in UNICODE.
char *pChar = "My Caption of My application";
WCHAR wsz[512];
swprintf(wsz, L"%S", pChar);
SetWindowText(hWnd, // ウィンドウまたはコントロールのハンドル
wsz // タイトルまたはテキスト
I'm not sure if you figured something out in the end but I had the same problem and following worked well for me:
int comPortNum = 5;
char comPortName[32];
sprintf((LPTSTR)comPortName, TEXT("\\\\.\\COM%d"), comPortNum);
HANDLE h = CreateFile(comPortName,other arguments);