Out of the blue, my Gnuplot has started having issues with the pdfcairo
terminal. The font in the produced PDF files is jammed as if the width of the individua
For Homebrew, I changed the pango formula to stick to version 1.43
Until it gets fixed, this should solve the problem:
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies pango
brew install iltommi/brews/pango
This will install this formula: https://github.com/iltommi/homebrew-brews/blob/master/pango.rb in which I replaced the v1.44 to 1.43
As of Aug. 24, 2020, the version of Pango on homebrew is 1.46.1 and this bug seems to have been fixed. Doing a clean installation of Gnuplot and Pango via homebrew should solve this problem.
Installing newer version Pango 1.45.5 seems to resolves the issue as well, please confirm:
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies pango
brew install dersimn/craft/pango
Formula: https://github.com/dersimn/homebrew-craft/blob/master/Formula/pango.rb